Domain Name News: “List of big Brands using Premium Domains” plus 3 more

Domain Name News: “List of big Brands using Premium Domains” plus 3 more

List of big Brands using Premium Domains

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 05:25 PM PST

Earlier today Domain Guardians released a list of big brands that are using Premium Domain names on their website. The Domain Guardians team writes about the list on Facebook:

Together with a number of industry peers, we have compiled a list of major companies that have acquired and own premium domain names. [...]

Thanks to all for your contributions and support!


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Uniregistry releases .Backfriday Promotional Site

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 11:33 AM PST

Just in time for Black Friday, Frank Schilling’s Registry company, Uniregistry, has launched a site for their application for the .Blackfriday TLD. Uniregistry is the sole applicant for this TLD.

The site says about the purpose of the .blackfriday TLD:

.blackfriday will become the recognized label for websites with worthwhile deals and specials on this renowned shopping day. Internet users and retailers will benefit from an online hub for Black Friday information, ads, and deals. It will open up opportunities for creative marketing and unique shopping experiences that will make this day even more legendary.

Businesses that set up shop on the .blackfriday domain will capture the attention of shoppers and get more out of the day. When every shopping moment counts, consumers will jump at this opportunity to quickly identify the worthy online shopping destinations on Black Friday.

As brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers look for new ways to showcase themselves online, .blackfriday will become an important part of their marketing toolkit to fully capitalize on this opportunity that only comes once a year.

As for information on pricing the company writes the following:

.BLACKFRIDAY will be a specialty gTLD, with a flat pricing structure and fixed renewal costs, with no material price increases for the first five years. This moderately priced namespace is designed to offer registrants an attractive, competitive registration alternative or complement to existing registratiaons for the purpose of specialized content.

[via The Domains]

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.CA Breaks 2 Million Domain Registrations, .CZ breaks 1 Million

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 09:20 AM PST

CIRA passes 2 Million Registered Domains

As per a tweet from the .CA registry,  the registry passed the 2 Million domain mark yesterday. However with today being a Wednesday, that number has dropped below the 2 Million mark again, as the registry drops deleted domain names in their “to be released” process once a week. There is no press release on this highly anticipated milestone yet., but there is a list of 22 “facts” that the registry published on Facebook – including 7 false facts that they are asking you to find.


.CZ: Over 1 Million Domains registered

As reported on Robbies’ Blog, the  Czech ccTLD registry for .CZ passed 1 Million domain name registrations. The registry publishes realtime statistics on their homepage. According to the announcement by the registry, 58% of domains are owned by individuals. The Czech Republic has a population of just over 10 Million people. Robbies’ Blog also has an interview and more information.

[via CIRA, Robbies' Blog]

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Domaintools Data on Whois Privacy [Infographic]

Posted: 21 Nov 2012 08:42 AM PST

DomainTools released an info graphic on whois privacylast week and we wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss it. DomainTools went through their data and identified 130 different privacy services across almost 225 million unique domain name Whois records. Almost 32 million domains were identified as private, or about 15% of the total population they reviewed.

Privacy Concentration for Registrars with between 100K and 1MM Domains Under Management:

  1. PTY LTD  94%
  2. April Sea Information Technology Corporation 93%
  3. New Dream Network (DreamHost) LLC  91%
  4. Brandon Gray Internet Services (  80%
  5. Bargin Regisgtrar 76%
  6. BigRock Solutions pvt LTD  47%
  7. Cloud Group Limited 47%
  8. Netart Registrar Sp. z.o.o. 47%
  9. Net Earth One (Net Earth)  43%
  10. FBS Inc.  43%

Privacy Concentration for Registrars with over 1MM Domains Under Management:

  1. GMO Internet (  51%
  2. pty LTD 48%
  3. PDR (  37%
  4. DomainSite  33%
  5. Moniker Online Services  26%
  6.  25%
  7. Enom  25%
  8. Network Solutions  23%
  9. Tucows  22%
  10. GoDaddy  21%

Privacy Concentration for TLDs with over 1MM Domains in DNS:

  1. INFO  28%
  2. CN  20%*
  3. ORG  20%
  4. COM  19%
  5. NET  19%
  6. BIZ  18%
  7. MOBI  17%
  8. CO  17%
  9. JP 12%
  10. IN 1%

* Nearly all the 'private' domains in .CN are associated with one registrar and privacy provider, and there are indications of underlying domain tasting on .CN as well.  Absent this registrar, privacy on .CN is virtually nil.

Some TLDs that do not provide a public whois or only provide a limited public whois were excluded from the survey.

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- Xem ra chút gặp chuyện hả?
Hùng Chính Lâm có cái mũi rất thính nên cảm nhận ngay ra vấn đề.
- Anh vừa về Quốc Đống trở về. Hôm qua đi báo danh, hôm nay về bàn giao công việc. Có lẽ ngày kia sẽ chính thức tới đó. Hôm nay mấy cấp dưới ở Ủy ban kỷ luật Thị ủy làm buổi tiệc tiễn. Có chuyện gì thế, có cần anh giúp không?

Triệu Quốc Đống lắc đầu nói:
- Không cần, em có thể tự giải quyết.

- Ừ vậy là được rồi, anh ở phòng Tấn, chú ở phòng nào?
Hùng Chính Lâm vỗ vỗ vai Triệu Quốc Đống rồi nói:
- Anh và lão Triệu cũng đi, chú có gì khó thì nói với Triệu Quốc cùng Chánh Dương một chút. Nhớ có một số việc chỉ dựa vào mình là không thể làm tốt. Một hảo hán phải có ba người giúp, phải học cách mượn sức.

- Em ở phòng Tiêu Tương, cảm ơn Hùng Chính Lâm đã dạy bảo.
Triệu Quốc Đống nói.

- Ừ, lát chú sang chỗ anh một chút. Anh giới thiệu người Ủy ban kỷ luật với chú, sau không chừng sẽ có qua lại thì sao?
Hùng Chính Lâm nói.

Ngay khi Triệu Quốc Đống rời phòng, Chu Tinh Văn cũng bỏ chén xuống mà nói:
- Tiểu Bưu, Triệu Quốc Đống nhờ gì cậu?

- Ha ha, Hùng ca, Quốc Đống có quan hệ với em khá tốt. Anh lên chức thì có lẽ Công an huyện sẽ động phải không?
Khanh Liệt Bưu rót đầy chén của mình rồi ra hiệu cô gái bên cạnh ra ngoài.
- Quốc Đống cũng là muốn làm tốt quan hệ với Hùng ca.

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