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Here's what's going on with domain names...

The first quarter of 2017 is now in the books, and the initial tax deadline in the U.S. is quickly approaching (yikes!). But before we think about taxes, here's a look back at what happened in the domain name business in March. 

1. Uniregistry price change - The top story last month was Uniregistry's decision to drastically increase the wholesale prices of many of its new top level domain names. One will go up over 30x. GoDaddy subsequently stopped offering Uniregistry domains. Uniregistry is now backtracking a bit when it comes to already-registered domain names. I think New TLDs aren't dead, but some business models won't work.  In case you're wondering, this is how much it costs to run a registry. You can listen to Frank Schilling discuss the price hike and his take on the state of new TLDs on this podcast

The top five stories on DNW last month were all wrapped up in #1, but that would be boring. So here are numbers 6-9, but marked starting at #2. 

2. Tesla registers domain names for UAW Union fight - This story caught steam (volts?) after a couple union folks tweeted about it. 

3. A TLD registry just slashed its wholesale prices up to 97% - While Uniregistry increased prices, one TLD is taking the opposite approach. 

4. 35,000 domains at MarkMonitor need to be updated soon - Matt Serlin is leaving MarkMonitor, which means a bunch of domains registered with his name as the Admin contact need to be changed. 

5. Cool story about how a company bought matching .com for $40,000 - Inspired by's founder, this company stuck with it and paid top dollar for a .com to match its existing .io domain. 

Last month's podcasts: 

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