Domain Name Wire for Domain - New TLDs are here

Domain Name Wire for Domain
November 15, 2013
New TLDs are here


Key-Systems on the spot at WHD.local in Istanbul

The WHD.local event in Istanbul (Turkey) on November 28
is the last stop of the WHD.local tour. Together with the
Public Interest Registry (.ORG), Key-Systems will attend the
regional fair as Gold Sponsor. Please meet us at our
booth - we look forward to your visit!

Make your appointment now:


Welcome to the newsletter.

Yesterday was the first time that I said to myself that new top level
domain names are actually a reality.

It's probably because I was able to type in
and view an actual website about .tattoo domain names.

Sure, Google's Chrome browser didn't know exactly what to
do when I typed in that domain, or any of the other new TLDs:

But the act of typing in a new TLD and having it resolve
means that that,, and
are just around the corner.

That assumes, of course, that those second level domains
aren't on the name collision block lists.

There's no doubt that these initial new TLDs will be hampered.

They will be hampered by block lists. Uncertainty over IGO
acronyms (which will hopefully be resolved soon). Browser
and software hiccups.

It's also worth noting that many of the "best" domains, as
measured by the number of applicants for the domain, will
come out last.

Rolling out first will be a handful of IDNs along with
TLDs that had only one applicant. Some will be domains that had
a few applicants that settled their contention set early.
And .city domains will be in the mix, too.

But the big strings are still subject to objection
proceedings and domain auctions. For the most complex cases,
we might not have resolution to the contention sets until 2015.

That's why the first domains include .clothing and .ventures,
and not heavyweights like .app and .music.

Still, exciting times are ahead. Even if you think new TLDs
will be a big .flop.


Be sure to stop by to read these other
domain industry headlines

* Some new TLDs will run "Early Access Programs" for the Landrush phase

* ICANN cautions about new TLD pre-registrations

* Sedo auctioning off 100 of Yahoo's domain names including

* Demand Media scores another $1.3 million from withdrawing new TLD applications

These stories are just a sample of what you can read at
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