DNW Newsletter Receive this email as a forward? Sign up to get it at domainnamewire.com/newsletter. Some years define us, and 2020 is shaping up to be one of them. 2001 was one of those years for me. I lost my job at a tech company during the dot-com bust. Then terrorists flew planes into the twin towers. It was an anxiety-ridden year for many people. 2020 was bad enough with the pandemic. Now, unrest is sweeping across America. Record unemployment. A deadly virus. Major cities setting curfews as people burn cars in the streets. It seems apocalyptic. Yet, there is a certain solace people can find online. There is a different world out there that is more peaceful. It operates during a pandemic. It doesn't involve boarded-up shop windows. And as long as you avoid social media, it's an excellent place to escape to. At the core of that escape are domain names and websites. Wix reported a surge of people creating websites starting in April. The domain business is one of the few bright spots in the economy right now. Scroll down to see which stories caught the most interest on Domain Name Wire last month. And stay safe out there. -Andrew SPONSOR MESSAGE Domain Financing 2.0  Domain owners: sell more domains with Domain Financing 2.0 at Dan.com! Sellers can offer buyers financing options of up to 60 months, and no additional negotiation is needed. Sellers also get extra fees depending on the term. No Dan.com account? Sign up today and opt-in to domain financing. Here are the top stories on DNW last month, as ranked by pageviews: 1. More and more companies are using new TLDs - There's more use than before, but numbers games at some registrars is obscuring it. 2. GoDaddy assigns $88.5 million value to Frank Schilling's domain portfolio - The accounting value is about $235 per domain. 3. New site shows available one-word domain names - Listen to a podcast interview with the student who created the site. 4. .Org registry sale officially terminated - It's official now. And PIR wants to remind challengers that it will retain the contract to run it. 5. GoDaddy is paying $218 million for Neustar's registry business - GoDaddy revealed the price for acquiring the registry business in its quarterly filing. Podcasts: #287 - I interview the creator of OneWord.Domains and talk about a few issues in the domain industry. (Listen) #286 - Adrian Kinderis discusses his long history in the domain business and the challenges of operating a new top level domain. (Listen) #285 - Zak Muscovitch and I talk about the U.S. Supreme Court hearing about domains and trademarks, and direct what happened to the .org deal. (Listen) #284 - Mark Andre explains how he built and sold four blogs for over $1 million. (Listen) Get the Latest Don't wait for this newsletter to get the latest domain name news. Check in to DNW daily, and join the 35k people who follow DNW on Twitter. Thanks for reading, Andrew |
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