DNW Newsletter Receive this email as a forward? Sign up to get it at domainnamewire.com/newsletter. Podcasting for a niche audience can feel thankless at times. I've published nearly 300 episodes of the Domain Name Wire Podcast. And although people tell me they love the show, it will only ever appeal to a small audience. Over the past couple of months, however, that audience has grown quite a bit. The show was downloaded over 9,000 times last month. It's still small compared to the blog (125k pageviews in April) but podcasts are a different animal. One way to think about it is that each podcast is a fireside chat given to an audience of about 2,000 people. It seems a lot bigger when you look at it that way. If you haven't listened to the show yet, please subscribe on your podcast app, such as Apple Podcasts. You can also listen to episodes directly in your browser at dnw.com/podcasts. I also want to give a quick plug for my wife's expansion of her internet of things media. If you're interested in IoT, check out her upcoming online event Why didn't IoT predict COVID-19? It will be a cool discussion with an epidemiologist, a health policy and data governance expert, and the CEO of a company that tracks body temperatures via its connected thermometer. Some might say it's a bit more exciting than domain names! Now, scroll down to see a list of the top stories and podcasts on Domain Name Wire last month. -Andrew SPONSOR MESSAGE Domain Financing 2.0  Domain owners: sell more domains with Domain Financing 2.0 at Dan.com! Sellers can offer buyers financing options of up to 60 months, and no additional negotiation is needed. Sellers also get extra fees depending on the term. No Dan.com account? Sign up today and opt-in to domain financing. Here are the top stories on DNW last month, as ranked by pageviews: 1. It's crazy that 3 three-letter domains dropped this month - People are letting valuable domain names expire. 2. Meet Yue Dai, the man who owns the most two-letter .com domains - Chinese domain investor Yue Dai has a stellar domain name portfolio. Read what he thinks about the domain market. 3. GoDaddy goes vertical with Neustar registry acquisition - The world's largest domain name registrar will become a wholesaler of top level domains. 4. Redacted Whois at GoDaddy: a revenue hit but better customer experience - It's time for GoDaddy to make a change but it needs to manage the revenue downside. 5. Amazon slashes affiliate payouts up to 80% - Website owners that depend on Amazon's affiliate program got unwelcome news in April. Podcasts: What this domainer learned - Listen Domains in Hollywood - Listen Bored Humans - Listen Liquidating your domain names - Listen Get the Latest Don't wait for this newsletter to get the latest domain name news. Check in to DNW daily, and join the 35k people who follow DNW on Twitter. Thanks for reading, Andrew |
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