A new domain name conference, NamesCon, will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada from January 13th to 15th, 2014. Well-known industry veteran, Richard Lau is the founder of the event and he has tapped Jodi Chamberlain from 32Events, to help coordinate. Both Lau and Chamberlain are no strangers to domain events. Lau has been involved in organizing several exclusive domainer get-together events in both Seattle and Las Vegas as well as the popular Water School “Water Night” fund raising events. Chamberlain has worked on a number of events and conferences, including some T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conferences and Domaining Spain.
Wherefore art though, WebFest (formerly known as DOMAINfest)
While the industry has become accustomed to Oversee.net announcing their Webfest / DomainFest conference in the 11th hour leading up to the T.R.A.F.F.I.C. conference, there have been no formal announcements so far this year. With the departure of organizer Aaron Kvitek earlier this year, rumors about the future of the event have been circulating. The official answer DNN received from a Oversee.net spokesperson is that there will be “a DomainFest/Webfest during the first half of 2014.” More details are to be expected in the “coming months”.
Good Timing
The January dates of Namescon fill the void left by DomainFest, but Lau tells us that the date and venue were also selected because of the close timing of another popular event Affiliate Summit West 2014 (aff). The dates of the Namescon show around Affiliate Summit gives domain professionals another reason to venture to Las Vegas, but also has the potential to expose Affiliate Summit attendees to the domain space. Lau told DNN, “NamesCon is the natural evolution of smaller, more intimate events I have been involved with in Las Vegas over the past 5 years. We are expecting that this will be THE networking event of the West Coast for early 2014.”
The website for the event which just went up today (still obviously a work in progress) promises:
There is no channel like the domain name channel, and 2014 is an amazing year of expansion, growth, and change. This means opportunity – if you know the way through the maze to the cheese.
Come and meet some of the “who’s who” players in the internet naming space. We mean “alpha dogs”.
Speaker currently listed on the conference page include:
- James Morfopoulos (Director of DomainTools Inc, COO of Ocean Networks)
- Richard Lau
- Patrick Carleton
- Jothan Frakes
- Paul Nicks (Go Daddy)
- Adam Dicker (DNForum/TheArtOfTheName)
The event kicks off with a cocktail party on January 13th and will last the full day on January 14th/15th. The venue for the event still has to be confirmed.
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