Domain Name Wire for Domain - Last month's top domain stories

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At the suggestion of a Domain Name Wire Podcast listener, I'm going to start a new segment on my podcast to answer questions. It might be an entire "guest" segment, or I'll answer questions each week as I get them.

I'll either answer the questions myself or bring on other domain investors for their answers. I have one approach to domain investing, and other domain investors might answer questions differently depending on their own experiences.

Questions can be technical (how do I do this at domain registrar ABC?) or opinion (what are the best places to sell domains?).

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Now, scroll down to see a list of the top stories on Domain Name Wire last month. 



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Here are the top stories on DNW last month, as ranked by pageviews:

1. CentralNic to acquire monetization company Codewise for $36 million - The domain name rollup is acquiring two companies popular with affiliate marketers. CentralNic raised £30 million through a share offering to pay for the acquisition, which should close at the end of October.

2. Saudi Aramco tries to take dead man's domain name - The oil giant, one of the most valuable companies in the world, filed a cybersquatting case against a dead man. The company wants his domain name for a new brand it created.

3. How I'm investing in domains these days - Here's what I'm doing and what I'm buying.

4. How Microstrategy got its domains and sold for $30 million - The company's CEO discussed the negotiation of on a recent podcast.

5. sold for $1.7 million but it hasn't all been paid - Filings in a bankruptcy case revealed the sale price of But it's on a payment plan.


#302 - Domains and SEO with Rand Fishkin (listen)

#303 - Grand Theft Domain Name with Kieren McCarthy (listen)

#304 - Web businesses during the pandemic with Peter Askew (listen)

#305 - Domain broker ethics with Bill Sweetman (listen)


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