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How is the domain name business doing during the pandemic?

I've highlighted many stories over the past few months about domain name and website companies reaping the benefit of businesses going online during the pandemic. And, anecdotally, my aftermarket domain sales have been great.

But the proof is in the numbers and large datasets. And that's where things don't look so great. One dataset paints a dismal picture. released data on Q2 domain transactions on its platform. Dollar volume for domains sank from $85.8 million in Q1 to $55.2 million in Q2. Ouch.

The company didn't release transaction volume, just dollar value. So it's possible that the business relies on a few significant transactions each quarter that were delayed

Still, we can't pretend that the domain name industry is immune from the current economic malaise. 

Scroll down to review the top stories on Domain Name Wire last month, and to check in on podcasts you might have missed.



Domain Financing 2.0

Domain owners: sell more domains with Domain Financing 2.0 at!

Sellers can offer buyers financing options of up to 60 months, and no additional negotiation is needed. Sellers also get extra fees depending on the term. 

No account? Sign up today and opt-in to domain financing.


Here are the top stories on DNW last month, as ranked by pageviews:

1. Fadi Chehadé is now co-CEO of Ethos Capital - The former ICANN CEO is now the co-CEO of the private equity company that tried to buy the .org registry. Was this the plan all along?

2. Original owner sues, claims domain is stolen - This case is getting messy and someone is going to be out a lot of money.

3. Intuit missed TurboTaxSucks** - It's impossible to register every negative domain about your company. Just ask Intuit.

4. Riskless domain investing for beginners - Just getting started with domain investing? Here's a way to dip your toes in the water without spending a dime.

5. We're seeing innovation in domain sales - Companies like Squadhelp are helping domainers sell more.


#293 - Elkhan Agamirza (listen)

#294 - Sell more domains with a crowd (listen)

#295 - The best way to pick a company name (listen)

#296 - 2020 (so far) in review (listen)


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