DNW Newsletter Receive this email as a forward? Sign up to get it at domainnamewire.com/newsletter. There's a lot of bad news out there these days, but let's leave that behind for a moment to celebrate happy stuff: Domain Name Wire is 15 years old today! I started the blog on March 9, 2015. There have been many ups and downs in the industry since then, but this humble site has persevered. In fact, I'm happy to report that monthly traffic is at an all-time high. Podcast downloads have doubled in recent months. It's a sign of many things, including the continued interest people have in the domain name industry. Many thanks to all of you for reading, and thanks to my sponsors for supporting this endeavor. Scroll down for last month's top stories and podcasts. And thanks for reading! -Andrew SPONSOR MESSAGE Domain Financing 2.0  Domain owners: sell more domains with Domain Financing 2.0 at Dan.com! Sellers can offer buyers financing options of up to 60 months, and no additional negotiation is needed. Sellers also get extra fees depending on the term. No Dan.com account? Sign up today and opt-in to domain financing. Here are the top stories on DNW last month, as ranked by pageviews: 1. GoDaddy acquires Uniregistry and Frank Schilling's domain portfolio - Frank Schilling has cashed out of the domain name business, save for his registry business. He was paid less than $200 million. 2. Two insurance companies drop their top level domain names - Esurance and Scor drop their dot-brand domain names. 3. Your choice of top level domain can impact site performance - Some have faster DNS response times than others, test finds. 4. These companies upgraded their domain names - By dropping 'my' to moving to shorter domains, some of these companies bought improved domain names. 5. L'Oreal sells four top level domains to XYZ - XYZ has stocked up its beauty department by acquiring four top level domain names from L'Oreal. Podcasts: #261: NamesCon Roundup Listen #262: California AG looks into ICANN (EFF interview) Listen #263: How a lawyer turned his business around with new domain Listen #264: Should you get your own TLD? Listen Get the Latest Don't wait for this newsletter to get the latest domain name, online advertising and marketing services news. Check in to DNW daily, and join the 35k people who follow DNW on Twitter. Thanks for reading, Andrew |