.Cat Raid and Lawsuit are Top News Thanks for subscribing to the Domain Name Wire newsletter. Know someone who might be interested in receiving this? Please have them sign up at domainnamewire.com/newsletter.  Want to sponsor this newsletter or DNW? Send an email to andrew (at) domainnamewire.com. It's not often that I get to write about police raids while covering the domain business. September was an exception as the office of the .cat domain name registry in Catalonia was raided as part of Spain's crackdown on an independence referendum. Other top news included a lawsuit between two of the largest domain name registrars. Here's a look at the top five stories on DNW, ranked by number of views. 1. Spanish police raid .Cat domain name registry offices - A police raid of the .cat offices was really just the start of a crackdown on an independence referendum. 2. Namecheap sues Enom and Tucows, demands transfer of 4 million domains - Namecheap says Tucows is dragging its feet on transferring domain names through the easiest method. Tucows has responded. 3. Amy Schumer files cybersquatting complaint against GoDaddy's NameFind - The popular comedian wants amy-schumer.com. Her official website is AmySchumer.com. 4. Instagram registers Doxagram domain names in wake of data breach - Instagram registered a bunch of names related to a hacker group after its data was stolen. 5. My first domain name sale through DomainAgents - I sold a domain through DomainAgents for the first time. Interestingly, it wasn't one I listed with the service. Podcasts Subscribe to the Domain Name Wire Podcast on your iPhone or Android device so you never miss an episode. Here are the episodes that aired in August. Listen to them now. #154 - Chad Folkening talks about how he's building out websites and using cryptocurrency to build the network. #153 - Learn about chatbots and if they will change how people use the web. #152 - GDPR is going to affect everyone in the domain name business. Here's how. #151 - Sedo Chief Sales Officer Matthias Meyer-Schönherr discusses sales trends including .ai and .io domain names. Get the Latest Don't wait for this newsletter to get the latest domain name, online advertising and marketing services news. Check in on DNW daily, and join the 34,000 people who follow DNW on Twitter. Thanks for reading, Andrew |