January's Top Stories
Between NamesCon and GoDaddy's Super Bowl plans, there was a lot going on in the domain biz last month.
Here are the top five stories on Domain Name Wire from January.
1. GoDaddy's Super Bowl switcheroo - when GoDaddy released its planned 2015 Super Bowl ad, I called it the "most controversial yet". Apparently, I was correct. GoDaddy decided to yank the ad from the big game.
2. 27 End User Sales - Domain Name Wire's weekly End User Sales Reports are very popular, but rarely end up ranking so highly on the monthly charts. This one was an exception.
3. The wild story about how the domain name CM.com was just registered - CM.com has a 2015 registration date, and the story of how this came to be is almost unbelievable.
Recent Podcasts
Have you listened to the Domain Name Wire Podcast lately? Check out some of the recent shows at DNW.com/podcasts or search for it on iTunes - NamesCon Recap
- Donuts' Richard Tindal
- GoDaddy's Mike McLaughlin
- 2015 Predictions episode
Until next time...