Domain Name News

Domain Name News

US Government Returns Seized RojaDirecta Domain Names

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 02:19 PM PDT

As reported by Wired today the US Government has returned the seized domain names of Spanish forum domains after the government dropped their claim on Wednesday – 19 months after the domains were originally seized.

The seizing of the domains happened as part of the “Operation in our Sites” together with eight other sites that were accused of being connected to broadcasting pirated video streams of professional sports.

The government, which seized the domain names for simply including links to copyrighted content, dropped the Rojadirecta claim, seemingly due to a recent ruling by Judge Richard Posner. Posner, one of the nation's most respected judges, knocked down charges that a video bookmarking site was infringing copyright law, just because its users linked to copyrighted videos.

The operator of the site, Puerto 80, said the site that has 865,000 registered users has not committed any copyright infringement. As a discussion board about sports, politics and other topics some of the users may have linked to pirated streams. The group had been trying to negotiate with the US government, but were told that they would only receive control over their domain names again if the site would prohibit its users from linking to any US content.

It looks like the domains are currently though, the site is not back online yet. Interestingly it also looks like the “last updated” date in the registry has not been changed when the domain was seized or returned.

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Domain Name News

Domain Name News

Snapnames Releases iPhone and iPad bidding App

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 08:29 AM PDT

SnapNames®, a KeyDrive S. A. company and leading domain name online marketplace for already registered, expiring and deleting domain names announced today the release of their domain name auction bidding app for iPhone and iPod touch. With over twenty-five million domains to choose from annually, users can now easily bid on a wide selection of domain names while on-the-go thus preventing missing out on domain names while away from a computer.

The mobile app features include:

  • A real-time dashboard with a snapshot of active auctions and history
  • Streamlined bidding for auctions in users’ accounts
  • Instant tracking of bidding activity, number of bidders, time remaining and high bidder status – Display of historical auction activity and closing status of transactions

The newly released auction app has been made available free of charge.
"With the release of a mobile bidding application for auctions, we are providing users (both businesses and individuals) a more convenient way to acquire the domains they want, when they want them,” said Craig Snyder, CEO of Moniker and SnapNames. “Furthermore, by extending our proven auction technology to the iPhone, we are accelerating access and domain inventory selection options to an expanded audience across the globe. "

[via Press Release]

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Domain Name News

Domain Name News

Cambridge Man supports Paul Ryan by buying domain names

Posted: 27 Aug 2012 12:38 PM PDT

As reported by The Daily Jeffersonian, Matt McKnight from Cambridge has registered a number of domain names in order to protect vice-president candidate Paul Ryan. The article calls him the “domain-ator” mentions that his main site is at, which is the name of the candidate’s wife. As Dan Davis writes,  McKnight purchased the domains “[...] to keep Democrats from accessing some Paul Ryan domains,[...]“.

[McKnight] transferred one Paul Ryan domain to the vice presidential candidate’s campaign.

“The campaign actually contacted me about using ‘’ which I then transferred over to them,” McKnight said. “I’m not sure if they’re going to make that his official website. This has been just a few days ago.”

McKnight refused cash for the domain.

According to DomainsTools he owns 17 other domains. Do you think this is a viable way to support “your” candidate in elections? As a candidate how would you feel about a fan-site about your wife? Would you try to place the names under your control?

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Domain Name News

Domain Name News

Targeted TRAFFIC Awards Voting – only today

Posted: 27 Aug 2012 06:51 AM PDT

Voting for the Targeted T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Domain Industry awards is only open today. Vote for your choices and send them to by 9PM EDT today. As per a prior announcement you must be a list subscriber to vote.


(Vote for one)

__Rook Media

__The Parking Place



(vote for one)




__Domain Holdings



(vote for one) (Jackson) (Acro) (Murphy) (Alleman) (Cultra) (Cyger) (Silver) (Hackney) (Linton) (Berkens) (Eccles) (Gilmour)



(vote for one)

__Brown Shoe Co. (

__Cat5 Commerce

__London Olympics


__Peter Niederman

__Quidsi (, an Amazon Company)

__TABcom (formerly Pets United, LLC)



(vote for one)


__Lance Block (Swells LLC)

__Michael Cyger

__Alan Dunn

__Mathias Hennig (Sedo)

__Roy Hooper

__Bill Karamouzis

__Morgan Linton

__Fred Mercaldo (Geoplatforms)

__Braden Pollock


__Danny Pryor

__Dan Warner

__Tia Wood



(vote for one)


__Toby Clements


__Dave Evanson (

__Kevin Faler

__Alan Hack

__Evan Horowitz (Hunting Moon)

__Vern Jurovich

__Brian Kleiner (

__Mike Mann

__Bob Olea

__Mike Robertson (

__Andrew Rosener (Media Options)

__Joe Uddeme (Domain Holdings)



(vote for one)

__Domain Holdings

__Dot CO


__InterNet X





__Thought Convergence



(vote for one)


__Roy Barrett

__Steve Cheatham

__Michael Cyger

__Larry Fischer

__Michael Gilmour

__Rob Grant

__Ron Jackson

__Corey Lamay

__Donna Mahoney

__Mike Mann

__Braden Pollock

__Frank Schilling

__Elliot Silver

__Paul Stahura

__Adam Strong

__David Wieland



(vote for TWO)


__Gary Chernoff

__Nat Cohen

__Phil Corwin

__Paul Cotton

__Larry Fischer

__Chad Folkenning

__Michael Gilmour

__Rob Grant

__Kevin Ham

__Steve Jobs (dec’d)

__Vern Juravich [sic]

__Igal Lichtman

__Morgan Linton

__Mike Mann

__Gregg McNair

__Brian Null

__Braden Pollock

__Tim Schumacher

__Elliot Silver

__Adam Strong


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Domain Name News

Domain Name News and Hit with Malware Warnings

Posted: 24 Aug 2012 08:29 AM PDT

Users of and were greeted today with a Google malware warning when accessing the popular domain name parking and aftermarket site.  The warning details are below.

DNN was able to see the warnings in some Chrome and Safari but not Firefox, and upon reloading later this morning the warning had disappeared on Safari. Other users we have spoken to are reporting similar experiences with the warnings still tehre.  See graphic below for more details of the malware.

[Update] A Sedo spokesperson has provided DNN witht he following comment:

Sedo has been made aware that visitors attempting to access the or websites using either the Firefox or Chrome web browsers have been receiving security alerts preventing entry. While the Sedo website is still accessible without warning on both Internet Explorer and Safari, we immediately began investigating the root cause of these warnings to ensure there was in fact no risk to our users or visitors to the site. At this time we can report that no threats have been detected and our technical teams are currently working with Google and others to ensure these false warnings are immediately removed.


















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Domain Name Wire for Domain - two domain lawsuits settled

Domain Name Wire for Domain
August 23, 2012
Two domain industry lawsuits settled

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Welcome to the newsletter.

I've never been party to a lawsuit, but I imagine it's
not much fun.

So it's good news that over the past month a couple of
the higher profile suits involving the domain name
industry have settled.

First, Monte Cahn settled his suit against

Cahn founded Moniker, which he later sold to Seevast.
Seevast in turn sold it to The later sale
included a bonus plan. After Cahn left
a few years later he argued he was due money under the plan.

The suit was rather nasty, so I'm sure both sides are happy
to put it to rest.

The other suit was a cybersquatting complaint brought by a
heavyweight: Verizon.

The company sued for cybersquatting. The defendants
originally argued that some of the domains were its own
and some were clients, and that it shouldn't be responsible
for its clients. It later backtracked on its admission to having

The settlement agreement is mostly complete, and the two sides
have asked the court to hold off on all further activity.
The case was scheduled to go to court in October.

Of course, there are lots of lawsuits involving domain names and the

But these two were closely watched by the industry: the first
because it involved a well known businessman and domain monetization
company and the second because it involves cybersquatting and
domain parking.


Be sure to stop by to read these other
domain industry stories:

* .Nxt conference is .gone

* North Carolina food delivery service files UDRP against

* ICANN terminates two domain name registrars

These stories are just a sample of what you can read at
Domain Name Wire is read by domainers, domain registrars, attorneys,
public officials, and Fortune 500 company brand managers.

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Domain Name News

Domain Name News

Freshbooks becomes Cloud Accounting, forgets to buy domain?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 11:50 AM PDT

Freshbooks just sent out an announcement from their CEO Mike McDerment to their clients – which include my own company (DomainCocoon). The company will become “Cloud Accounting” – there’s just one little snag. The domain is already owned by an accountant in London. Of course he noticed the name change as well.

So here’s the news: from this day forward, FreshBooks is Cloud Accounting. We’ve taken notice of what you are saying and we’re changing the way we talk about ourselves so it is more consistent with how you talk about FreshBooks. We’ve also taken notice of how your needs have changed. And while we have a culture of “show, not tell” at FreshBooks, I will share that our transition to “cloud” will deliver against some of your emerging needs and reinforce the “accounting” component of our evolution.

Read the full announcement here on the Freshbooks blog.

Do you think Freshbooks should have attempted to buy the domain name first? At the moment it appears to be just a tagline (it was “online invoicing” before), but even then, should they not try to do the domain name? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


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